
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Life is About Choices...Right?

So I'm choosing this:
I choose not to love a man again for a very long time.

Look. Let me justify myself. I've officially been through all I need to go through at nineteen:

  • The First Love = The first heartbreak, being left (for another girl), the resentment.
  • The Perfect Boyfriend = The calm breakup, trying to be friends, realizing being friends with someone you could marry is hard.
  • The Charmer = He really respects me, he cares about me, he's totally hooking up with that girl that just went into his room.

You know what? I'm exhausted.

I have all that excellent, dirty material needed to write a song; but the only thing I plan on loving from now until...whenever I feel like my music.

And it's going to take one hell of a man to make me care about him more than my guitar.

So all my single ladies?
Put your hands up.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fuck You

Inspiration comes in many different forms.
But assholes who lie and make smart, nice girls look like obsessive idiots is now my most prized inspiration.
I wanna shout out a big thank you to you for truly inspiring me to write music.
Beyond this, I wanna say another thank you for teaching me a lesson I needed to learn:

When a man is more into himself than you are into him, he's going to think you are obsessed with him regardless of how you feel or what you say.
When a man is a good liar, my god is he a good liar.
And don't let your mother fucking guard down, my smart, nice, beautiful, intelligent women out there.

Oh, and one more thing. I wanna shout out a big Fuck You to you as well, mister wonderful liar.

Inspiration is a wonderful thing.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010


I play music for myself. Writing songs takes all the sand out of my head and makes me feel real. But I can't escape feeling like a fake.

I try to be honest with my music. None of that "I'm sad because I'm not pretty enough for you" bullshit.

My lyrics and my songs translate my raw human experiences and emotions.

But still, I am followed around by my own shadow holding onto my heels saying "Face it, Patience, you're just a fake."

I taught myself guitar. I don't even know most of the chords I am playing. I remember them by how they sound. I feel insignificant playing with other musicians.
E minor 7th? Uhh...Yeah. That's a great chord. I love that one.
What am I playing? Uh...It's the chord that sounds like Sunday mornings. You know? That one.
This is how my brain works. I'm not a real musician at all.

My songs are never good enough. The chords become redundant, the purpose unclear.
I don't play enough. I should be booking gigs every weekend. I should be meeting people. I should be getting a full band together. But I don't.
Because I'm a fake.

Flaws to Fight (Rough)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Meu Pai Com Olhos Verdes

My father is



Madeira in his blood, in his


Green like pine, like

Chá verde.


He used to

Tap his Vic Furth drumsticks

On my knees

And sing

“Goodnight” to me

By The Beatles when I was

Falling asleep.


My father would

Dance with me in the kitchen

After ballet, or on

Sunday mornings

My father would

Crack open the door to my room

The light leaking through

And sit on my bed.

He would lean down and

Put his arms around me


“Good night

Sleep tight”

Strangers’ cigarettes

The bitter backstage smell

And his musty jacket

Swimming into my
